I need parts urgently!

Depending on size and complexity, we may be able to produce the first part or sample within 24 hours or same day (assuming small part size, shipping excluded).

Before contacting us, please prepare the following: (assuming you need a replacement of an existing part)

  • Photos of the part next to a measuring tape
  • Part size and critical dimensions (has to fit within/over other parts)
  • Usage conditions (temperature, chemical exposure, constant or dynamic loads)
  • Desired color and markings (or if they are not important)

If you have existing part information in files (technical drawings material or other performance requirement information), please send them to the listed email address before calling.

The inquiry is free of charge. Unless otherwise arranged in writing, you will receive a price to confirm before manufacturing. You will not be charged for any samples we may manufacture for internal use (for photos, fitment, manufacturability testing).

We won't waste your time. If we can't solve your issue or point you towards someone who can, we'll let you know immediately.