Nizki kotnik, 30 x 10mm, Nylon PA12
Nizki kotnik, 30 x 10mm, Nylon PA12
Opis artikla
Nizki kotnik velikosti 30 x 10 mm, debelina 7 mm. 1 x vertikalna pritrditev, 1x horizontalna.
Primerno za fiksiranje fronte na dno predala (s spodnje strani) pri širših Blum Metabox predalih ali podobno. Za vgrezne vijake za iverne plošče premera 3 mm.
Nylon PA12, bele barve
Netto price - VAT excluded
Note: Some products may be manufactured only after the order is placed.
Razpoložljivosti prevzema ni bilo mogoče naložiti

Frequently asked questions
How quickly can you ship?
I AM in a hurry!Usually, our time to ship is between 2 weeks and 12 hours (for non standard parts), depending on part size, quantity, required development, and urgency. If you are in a hurry, please contact us as soon as possible.
I need a similar part, how much would that cost?
A similarly sized and heavy part in the same material would cost about the same (for non standard parts).
In most cases, modifications and even modelling from scratch are free of charge.
Your own branding can also be added upon request.
Are the parts strong enough?
Yes - our priority is to provide parts that serve their purpose, and, ideally for spare part replacements, outperform the original ones.
In addition to making parts stronger than they need to be, we also offer a 1 year warranty that covers their specific use case.